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Intuitive Sound Healing Therapies

Choose from a group immersive sacred sound meditation or a private sound healing therapy at Sunwood Sanctuary studio.

Sound Healing Therapies

Sacred sound is created with the highest quality, Peter Hess, therapeutic Tibetan singing bowls as well as a variety of other sound healing instruments, in group sound healing meditations, as well as one to one sound healing massage sessions. Book your session at Sunwood Sanctuary to experience the healing power of vibration, and frequency of vibration of sound.

Sound Healing Therapies

Group Sound Bath Meditation

Group Sound Bath Meditation

Sunwood Sanctuary is a space dedicated to providing restorative sound healing experiences that promote deep relaxation, balance, harmony and inner peace. Group immersive sound meditations provide a deeply meditative and restful experience which helps to reduce stress, improve sleep, ease pain, heighten intuition and creativity, and create an overall sense of calm, balance, ease and wellbeing.

Next group Sound Bath

23rd June 2024, 7pm

Option to attend with or without a cup of Ceremonial Cacao


Sound Healing Bowl

Individual Sound Healing Massage

Private one to one sound healing massage therapies provide a much more personal, individually tailored experience as the highest quality Tibetan sound therapy bowls are placed directly onto the body, helping to stimulate brainwaves relating to meditation, sleep and a dream like state as well as creativity and intuition.


A sound healing massage is approximately 90 minutes. During a one to one sound healing massage, the client is fully clothed while comfortably reclining on a massage table. Although the therapist does not actually massage the client with their hands, the vibration of the Tibetan singing bowls, can be felt on and through the clients body. The vibration and sound of the Tibetan singing bowls is absorbed by and permeates the entire body, not just through the ears, but through all the tissues of the body and at a very deep cellular level.

As the body is made up of approximately 80% water, the vibration and frequency of sound travels through the body much quicker than through air.

Sound travels through water faster than it travels through airThe speed of sound in water is about 1,500 meters per second, which is about four times slower than the speed of sound in airWhen underwater objects vibrate, they create sound-pressure waves that alternately compress and decompress the water molecules as the sound wave travels through the seaSound waves radiate in all directions away from the source like ripples on the surface.

The science of Cymatics in water illustrates that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air or sand, it directly alters the physical structure of matter.


Sound healing helps to bring balance to the energy centres, otherwise known as the chakras and personal sound healing massage works deeply into the body, targeting specific areas for healing and stimulating cells in your body and brain and can be used to help reduce conditions such as the impact of Fibromyalgia pain or arthritis.


Sound healing instruments and frequencies of vibration of sound help to  stimulate the  beta, theta and alpha brainwaves which occur during resting, day dreaming, meditating, dreaming, when we are in a creative flow or when we are in a  deep, dreamless sleep.

Sound Healing Bowl Therapies

Bespoke Individual Combined Therapy

A private one to one sound healing experience can also be tailored into an even more bespoke experience by combining the treatment with reiki energy healing or a one to one ceremonial Cacao sitting.

Sound healing and Cacao work beautifully together, with Cacao as a very gentle heart opening plant medicine, allowing us to be open and receptive and sound healing offering a more tangible meditative experience. 

A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system

Hazrat Inayat Khan

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